Not a satisfaction, not a traditional sense of winning, but a feel of katharsis.

And when you do, when you survive, there should come the feeling of relief. It’s sadness, feeling strengthless, depressed when things go wrong but on the other hand, determination, protectiveness for others, anger and the need to survive and overcome all the evil. I’m sure This War of Mine became then a very personal project for each team member.Įverything was being wrapped around the topic of a game, not around a genre or anything else and so the experience was supposed to evoke certain emotions that we imagine war survivors feel. Members of 11 bit team have brought a lot of personal stories from their families about war. We knew we would need to know people’s stories from war and I mean particularly stories or memories that got stuck in their minds, as in such situations emotions sink in and that’s what we were looking for. The work has been started and Przemyslaw (art director) started to sketch first images for the art style, while Michal (creative director) sat down with the designers to think about the systems that would represent living in war through gameplay. There has been a great enthusiasm among the team but of course, everybody knew this was going to be a really serious work with a heavy, serious game somewhere at the end of the journey. More or less in these words, he has sparked the idea in us and literally everyone got ignited and agreed this would be a great idea for a game. Let’s picture this in a game, with all the seriousness and the respect this topic requires”. It’s incredibly hard to stay human in times of war. Living in war is a heavy burden, not only physically, but also emotionally.

He has said something like “let’s make a game about civilians in war, regular people like all of us.

Pawel Miechowski: The initial idea came from Grzegorz, CEO at 11 bit, during a brainstorming session sometime in 2013. 80.lv: Pawel, could you tell us a little bit about the way This War of Mine was created? How did you start working on it? What were the core ideas and experiences that you wanted to implement?