On a Windows PC, AnyBurn can convert DMG file to ISO format, or burn it to a blank CD / DVD disc. Usually, the data in DMG file is stored in compressed format. The DMG file can be burned to a CD or mount as a normal volume on Macintosh computers. It is an exact copy of a hard disk or compact disk. DMG file is the disc image file used by MAC OSX. Click 'OK' button to start converting bin file to iso.

Choose the source bin file you want to convert. Unsubscribe from Ramana Bandari? How to extract DMG files (using PowerISO) - Duration: 2:08. How To Open.DMG files in power iso.avi Ramana Bandari. Verify, that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.' It's recommended you update the definitions in your antivirus software and run a complete scan of the affected machine(s). 'Cannot open the file because the file format or extension is invalid' opening Office files. I am trying to burn an ISO file to disc using PowerISO, but each time I double click the ISO file, I get the following error message: The file format is invalid or unsupported. It will probably solve iso file format is invalid or unsupported. Since DMG files are used predominately to install applications on Macs, you cannot properly open DMG files on Windows computers. Steps: Download and Install PowerISO (it is the easiest to use software for this) Open PowerISO tool Open the iso file Select FILE menu Select the IMAGE PROPERTIES Check the UDF option Click OK Select FILE menu Select Save as menu Click YES Now try again to mount the file. This wikiHow teaches you how to open a DMG file on a Mac.