To compound matters, RF has a barebones back-story with no epic heroes or character development (even in terms of customizing your character with relics or unique abilities).

Hardly the sort of thing you would expect from an MMORPG. In this respect, Rising Force can be a very personal and almost anti-social experience. Much of your time will be spent solo questing or mining for ore without speaking to anyone. Whereas titles like Star Wars: Galaxies and Guild Wars encourage you to choose a profession and join a guild for social interaction, RF Online is practically the antithesis. As such, it is not the best-suited title out there for an American audience (or for anyone who must work 10 to 12 hours a day). Although leveling up and non-stop questing for "loot" is the norm, the sheer monotony in RF is ridiculous.

Although RF Online is no less in-depth than most of the titles already on the market, it seems like an MMO designed for those who enjoy spending long hours in a cyber-caf¿ (which don't really exist in the United States).